Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Today I was meeting Tyler for lunch. We usually meet right down the street from my work, it's only about 3 minutes away. Anywho, I was approaching Russell Road when I see this man running down Valley View. He is almost to the stop light when he turns around, clearly see's me (with my blinker on).... I saw that the HUGE red hand was flashing telling this guy not to run across the intersection, so I proceed. All of a sudden, the fool makes a run for it and I almost T-bone him because I had the right of way. He stops in the intersection and throws his hands up in the air and yells "I'm going you F&*%ing B$(%@". My heart was racing, plus I seriously almost wet myself...and then I thought....OH NO, HELLZ NO. So I stopped, looked him in the eye, rolled down the window and yelled "I HAVE THE RIGHT OF WAY IDIOT".....all while laying on my horn. I seriously layed on my horn for about a minute. When I reached Tyler, I was still shaking. I was telling him my story and he was looking at me like it was all my fault because he thinks I'm a bad driver.


  1. LOL. I know it's not funny, but it is so freakin funny.

  2. That sucks - but I am laughing. I am on your side though - that has happened to me before.

  3. Props to you for not letting him get away with crap like that . . . I always freeze up when people cut me off really closely or dart in front of me. What I'd like to do is honk or let them know some way!

  4. That is so funny. I LOVE stupid people like that. I'm gald you guys have a blog. I love, love, love your wedding pics. You were such a beautiful bride.
