Thursday, July 8, 2010

Trip Home

Let's see where to begin.... First of all, I am only now finding the time/energy to blog. I am so tired from the trip, we need another vacation :) Tyler dropped Noah and I off to the airport on the 28th. In case you are wondering, the airport in Twin resembles a potato cellar. Scary business. I have learned that traveling with out the husband is very, very hard. The only way I made it was to have Noah in the baby bjiorn, and all our luggage piled in the stroller with the carseat too. There were many times when I thought I would have a freak out, but mainly I just did what I had to do to make it through. Like, feeding Noah on the plane....I would have thought that I would never feed in public, but you gotta do what you gotta do. haha. Our plane touched down at 10:30 pm and the temperature was 103 degrees. This is when I realized that I was going to die. haha. We had a blast though. Thank goodness for air conditioning and swimming pools. We spent time with Kim and Mandy's families and then my mam came and picked us up and took us to Alamo. Tyler got there the next morning at about 2am. It was sooooooooo good to finally be together. The next morning we were told that Malcolm backed into our car in the driveway. Never a dull moment, seriously. BUT, this is why we all have insurance so no biggie right? We spent Friday lounging in my mam's pool and just hung out with our friend, the air conditioner. Noah was pretty good, but refused to make eye contact with anyone other than Tyler and I. I believe he rolled his eyes at my mam a few times. hahaha. The next morning, Bev, Lewis, Mandy, Lucas and the kids were all able to join us in Alamo for the festivities. It was such a good day. No drama, great company and seriously such great food. (I need to run double to get it all off ;) We went to church on Sunday, but kinda wondered why because we spent most of it outside consoling Noah. I think I ate something he didn't like cuz he was not a happy camper. After church, we gave him a bath and he took a 5 hour nap. It was nice. We headed back home on Monday morning. We decided to take the I-15 back and stopped at IKEA. This was all part of my plan....and, IT WORKED ;) I love IKEA and could spend about 2 days in there. We got home that evening and reality set in the next morning when we slept through our alarms and Tyler had 8 mins to get up and be at work. Good times! One more thing, Noah decided to go bald while we were out of town. It's so sad!!! He's still cute, but he now has almost no hair on top and a mullet in the back.....

Here we are on the 4th! I think Noah is teething...eeek. Also, this picture makes me understand why my brother in law calls my Cheyanne. haha.

All dressed up for the parade :)

Chunky Baby :)

Taking a bath at Nana's....BALD!

Making the trip to Alamo. He did so good. Slept the whole way!!!


  1. Okay seriously that last picture is the cutest picture ever!!! I am so excited that I finally got to meet the little dude :) Glad the trip was fun for you guys. It was so great to see you all. Come visit soon, K!!!! Loves + hugs

  2. I'm so glad you survived your first solo flight with Noah!!! That's a HUGE DEAL... I've never flown with Ava by myself-- and never want to (until she's at least 15... even then, she'll probably be that angst-ridden teen who 'hates her mom and her life')

    anyway... IKEA is AWESOME!!! and so is your baby... he's sooo cute! love the bathtub pic with his strategically placed ducky.. hilarious!

    ps. he pulls off Bald Baby very well!

  3. He's so cute. I didn't even see you the whole time you were here!

  4. umm I already read this post but just now noticed the ducky on the crown jewels - ahem! I think that was tylers idea....
