Monday, April 12, 2010


We have been having some wild all nighters here at the Matlock home....and I don't mean all nighters in a good way. Noah has been keeping us up all night. I seriously lay down at 6:30 am this morning for the first time and only got about twenty mins in until he started crying again. Tyler get's up at about 6:30am, so things here have not been pretty. I thought it was gas at first so we got mylicon drops, but now I think he just doesn't want to sleep. He will only stop crying if I cuddle him real close which is fine, but I am still trying to find a way to sleep and do this at the same time. Tyler went and got this book today

We've heard great reviews about it so hopefully things around here will change, otherwise we will turn into zombies. I know a lot of people will probably tell me to leave him in a room crying until he falls asleep, but it's so bad that we can hear him, even in a different room. Tyler spends most of his nights sleeping on the couch because he has to get up so early. I feel like Noah is on such a backwards schedule. I am looking at him snoozing in the bouncer right now. He sleeps so good during the day...TOO GOOD!

I'm soooo tired. Like, I seriously don't know if I remember ever being this tired. Of course, when I said this to Tyler he said "well, you did used to drink one energy drink per day before you got pregnant." Thanks! Even though I am so tired, I can't help but love this little face :)


  1. we loved that book... it was a lifesaver!! Ava was a big fat crybaby all night (and day) long till about four months-- it was rough and i was all sortsa messed up... but once i stopped nursing her, she DOWNED two huge bottles of formula and passed out. Like a glorious drunk after an all night binge. She slept over 8 hours every single night since then.... i guess she was starving! oops.

    hang in there... and you're right, that face is adorable!!!

  2. He's so cute! I'm sorry you're having a hard time. Hopefully he'll get into a good pattern soon!

  3. I SO SO SO SO SO know how you feel Trudi. I SO know how you feel. I even told Emma's pediatrician that I felt like I was loosing my mind because all I did was cry because I was just so freaking tired!!! Her response was,"Did you know that if you haven't slept in 72 hours, you are considered CLINICALLY insane"!!! That helped. I wasn't clinically insane, just emotionally worn down from a screaming baby!!! BABY WISE has saved us. She is doing so much better. It takes work, but its worth it. Call me and I can tell you what I did, because some of the stuff in that book is insane. I just took what worked best for Emma and went with it. So far (KNOCK ON SOME SERIOUS WOOD) it's working. I so feel you though. Honestly, just ASK FOR HELP. Have some sisters in your ward come over for a couple of hours and TAKE HIM FOR YOU, or have them TAKE HIM out for a couple of hours so you can rest. YOU NEED IT. I so wish I could help. I love you!!!!

  4. Lovin the beanie, seriuosly just when I think I have seen the cutest picture, you put another one up :) Sorry you aren't getting any rest :( Hopefully something works and soon!!! How cute that Tyler brought home that book, ahhh now. Lovessss xoxo

  5. but f'reals hes the cutest thing. I remember leaving baili in the crib for 2 hrs one night screaming her head off....we eventually caved and thus began the sleeping in our bed just so we could sleep. Whatever it takes is my motto. He's sporting the beanie like a pro! Miss him.....miss you :(

  6. It does get better. I know those long nights feel like years, but "this too shall pass." It's funny how you'll forget these sleepless nights when you decided to get preggers again. Ha ha. Just give it another month and he'll be on a better schedule, and when he's 4 months he can have rice cereal and that keeps their tummy's fuller too. You just have to keep trudging onward. When things get stressful, just look at the cute little mug in the beanie and remember he'll thank you in years to come :)

  7. Welcome to Motherhood Trudi. I am ablogging now and look forward to chatting with you.
    Love Lela. My blog is Check me out.

  8. My sentaments EXACTLY Mandy! One other thing I used to do with Chaz was to ALWAYS nap when he napped! Trust me IT HELPS! Lots of luck and hugs~Tammy
