Friday, March 11, 2011

Flashback Friday

I've decided to do a little blurb called Flashback Friday's on my blog. Some of the blogs I follow do this and I think it's really cool and interesting.....sometimes embarrassing and mostly hilarious. I will try to do one every Friday!!!

The year was 1997. I was a freshman @ Pahranagat Valley High School in Alamo, NV. My family had just moved into our new house on the outskirts of town and so our Saturdays consisted of waking up @ the crack of dawn and working like slaves weeding, making a circular driveway and planting trees. It was (and still is) HOT AS HELL in those parts and so we would usually get up at about 6am and work until it became too hot at about 10am. My mam is a hardworking woman and so when it was Saturday morning, we knew she meant business. Our little brother usually did whatever was necessary to get out of doing anything and always seemed to have a Mountain Dew in his hand while the rest of us were sweating bullets ;) I remember he once sat in the back of the truck after we had loaded a bunch of boulders for the driveway. When we got back to the house to unload the boulders, we noticed that Scott was no longer in the back of the truck....We felt real bad when we discovered he had fallen out of the truck and was now walking down the road to the house, all mad, but still clutching his Mtn. Dew. haha.

On one of these hot days, my sister Mandy and I were asked to go haul a truck load of trash to the dump. We loaded up the truck and headed to the dump. My sister was a senior and drove the big old truck to the dump. We got there, unloaded and headed back. Now, I don't know exactly how fast we were going but as we came to the T in the road (which was conveniently placed infront of the cemetary, which was right next to our house), Mandy went to hit the brakes in order to turn right....except there were suddenly no brakes!!!!! I think we screamed and probably said some other stuff too (lol) and flew right through the cemetery fence and finally came to a stop about 2 inches from someones grandmas headstone. I think I remember nervously laughing. You know the kind where you know you're DEAD, but still can't believe that this just happened.... We went inside and called my mam to break the bad news. We were always getting ourselves into situations like this, so we were both scared to make the call. My mam was not happy! About 10 mins later, we were looking out the window and spotted Alamo's finest (the cops) at the top of the hill snapping pictures and measuring our tire tracks. Mandy and I then had to make statements, and had to convince the cop that we really weren't speeding (that much) and that Mandy was driving and not me since I was only 14. Everyone knew about it right away and probably said something like, "there goes those Devine kids again" but we were very grateful that we didn't get into too much trouble and only had to put up a new fence.

I'm glad we can look back on this and laugh now because at the time we thought our lives were over and that it was the end of the world!!!!


  1. OMG, I will never forget that moment when the brakes failed and the steering wheel turned to stone. Glad we can laugh at it now. I do remember how long it took us to pay for that stupid fence though. No fun. We were so lucky to escape jail time once again. Ha ha. Love the flashback friday idea. Can't wait to see what you write next week. Please change the names to protect the innocent :)

  2. Oh my gosh.. i am seriously sitting at my desk at work... laughing so hard that i am crying!!! .. Poor Scott.. but how funny that you guys didn't even know he fell out... i can just picture him walking back to your house all mad... and how come i never hear about your incident at the cemetery??? hhahahaha ... i can't stop laughing that is so funny!! "about 2 inches from someones grandmas headstone"... hilarious!!

  3. P.S.. thanks for the good laugh!! I think what makes it even funnier is that i can totally hear you telling the story...

  4. Okay seriously, the scott part is spot on and SO FREAKIN TRUE!!! Bahahaha, Love it. I like this flashback friday and will definitely be checking in each week so don't be a slacker. As for the cemetery fence, that is a story that will forever be told and retold and it's great that you can laugh about it now, I do remember the tears and snots at the time, lol. Okay, I can't wait to read next weeks :)

  5. I totally remember that!! And I remember you guys making the circular driveway and planting trees! You were always calling me with the latest "Divine Kid" Stories! lol Good Times!! Love this flash back friday Idea!!

  6. ah now shardin.....very nice idea! But lets not share about the time the mammy went back to the homeland and we ended up in the caliente hospital....I find meself in the fetal position everytime I think of it.....seriously!!!!! trauma - me heart

  7. Hahahaha! So funny. But, I can't believe I totally missed this one. I mean seriously that had to be big news...where was I??!!!

  8. Awesome! That is hilarious :) I love those sibling stories :)
